The explanation below assumes familiarity with the basics of Object-Oriented Programming in Python. To refresh this knowledge you can have a look at the source provided on the Programming resources.

The Challenge

For the algorithmic trading challenge, you will be writing and uploading a trading algorithm class in Python, which will then be set loose on the island exchange. On this exchange, the algorithm will trade against a number of bots, with the aim of earning as many SeaShells (the currency of the archipelago) as possible. The algorithmic trading challenge consists of several rounds, that take place on different days of the challenge. At the beginning of each round, it is disclosed which new products will be available for trading on that day. Sample data for these products is provided that players can use to get a better understanding of the price dynamics of these products, and consequently build a better algorithm for trading them. While most days will feature new products, the old products will also still be tradable in the rounds after which they are introduced. This means that based on the result of the previous rounds, players also have the opportunity to analyse and optimise their trading strategies for these “old” products.

The format for the trading algorithm will be a predefined Trader class, which has a single method called run which contains all the trading logic coded up by the trader. Once the algorithm is uploaded it will be run in the simulation environment. The simulation consists of a large number of iterations. During each iteration the run method will be called and provided with a TradingState object. This object contains an overview of all the trades that have happened since the last iteration, both the algorithms own trades as well as trades that happened between other market participants. Even more importantly, the TradingState will contain a per product overview of all the outstanding buy and sell orders (also called “quotes”) originating from the bots. Based on the logic in the run method the algorithm can then decide to either send orders that will fully or partially match with the existing orders, e.g. sending a buy (sell) order with a price equal to or higher (lower) than one of the outstanding bot quotes, which will result in a trade. If the algorithm sends a buy (sell) order with an associated quantity that is larger than the bot sell (buy) quote that it is matched to, the remaining quantity will be left as an outstanding buy (sell) quote with which the trading bots will then potentially trade. When the next iteration begins, the TradingState will then reveal whether any of the bots decided to “trade on” the player’s outstanding quote. If none of the bots trade on an outstanding player quote, the quote is automatically cancelled at the end of the iteration.

Every trade done by the algorithm in a certain product changes the “position” of the algorithm in that product. E.g. if the initial position in product X was 2 and the algorithm buys an additional quantity of 3, the position in product X is then 5. If the algorithm then subsequently sells a quantity of 7, the position in product X will be -2, called “short 2”. Like in the real world, the algorithms are restricted by per product position limits, which define the absolute position (long or short) that the algorithm is not allowed to exceed. If the aggregated quantity of all the buy (sell) orders an algorithm sends during a certain iteration would, if all fully matched, result in the algorithm obtaining a long (short) position exceeding the position limit, all the orders are cancelled by the exchange.

In the first section, the general outline of the Trader class that the player will be creating is outlined.

Overview of the Trader class

Below an abstract representation of what the trader class should look like is shown. The class only requires a single method called run, which is called by the simulation every time a new TraderState is available. The logic within this run method is written by the player and determines the behaviour of the algorithm. The output of the method is a dictionary named result, which contains all the orders that the algorithm decides to send based on this logic.

from datamodel import OrderDepth, UserId, TradingState, Order
from typing import List
import string

class Trader:
    def run(self, state: TradingState):
        print("traderData: " + state.traderData)
        print("Observations: " + str(state.observations))

				# Orders to be placed on exchange matching engine
        result = {}
        for product in state.order_depths:
            order_depth: OrderDepth = state.order_depths[product]
            orders: List[Order] = []
            acceptable_price = 10  # Participant should calculate this value
            print("Acceptable price : " + str(acceptable_price))
            print("Buy Order depth : " + str(len(order_depth.buy_orders)) + ", Sell order depth : " + str(len(order_depth.sell_orders)))
            if len(order_depth.sell_orders) != 0:
                best_ask, best_ask_amount = list(order_depth.sell_orders.items())[0]
                if int(best_ask) < acceptable_price:
                    print("BUY", str(-best_ask_amount) + "x", best_ask)
                    orders.append(Order(product, best_ask, -best_ask_amount))
            if len(order_depth.buy_orders) != 0:
                best_bid, best_bid_amount = list(order_depth.buy_orders.items())[0]
                if int(best_bid) > acceptable_price:
                    print("SELL", str(best_bid_amount) + "x", best_bid)
                    orders.append(Order(product, best_bid, -best_bid_amount))
            result[product] = orders
		    # String value holding Trader state data required. 
				# It will be delivered as TradingState.traderData on next execution.
        traderData = "SAMPLE" 
				# Sample conversion request. Check more details below. 
        conversions = 1
        return result, conversions, traderData

Example implementation above presents placing order idea as well.

When you send the Trader implementation there is always submission identifier generated. It’s UUID value similar to “59f81e67-f6c6-4254-b61e-39661eac6141”. Should any questions arise on the results, feel free to communicate on Discord channels. Identifier is absolutely essential to answer questions. Please put it in the message.

Technical implementation for the trading container is based on Amazon Web Services Lambda function. Based on the fact that Lambda is stateless AWS can not guarantee any class or global variables will stay in place on subsequent calls. We provide possibility of defining a traderData string value as an opportunity to keep the state details. Any Python variable could be serialised into string with jsonpickle library and deserialised on the next call based on TradingState.traderData property. Container will not interfere with the content.

To get a better feel for what this TradingState object is exactly and how players can use it, a description of the class is provided below.

Overview of the TradingState class

The TradingState class holds all the important market information that an algorithm needs to make decisions about which orders to send. Below the definition is provided for the TradingState class:

Time = int
Symbol = str
Product = str
Position = int

class TradingState(object):
   def __init__(self,
                 traderData: str,
                 timestamp: Time,
                 listings: Dict[Symbol, Listing],
                 order_depths: Dict[Symbol, OrderDepth],
                 own_trades: Dict[Symbol, List[Trade]],
                 market_trades: Dict[Symbol, List[Trade]],
                 position: Dict[Product, Position],
                 observations: Observation):
        self.traderData = traderData
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.listings = listings
        self.order_depths = order_depths
        self.own_trades = own_trades
        self.market_trades = market_trades
        self.position = position
        self.observations = observations
    def toJSON(self):
        return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, sort_keys=True)